If a puppet is put in one’s hand, it is impossible to keep it quiet. It has a mind of it’s own. It’s personality comes from some part of the puppeteer that is dominant enough for it to have been created as a concrete visualization. It is a statement of thoughts that may not have been consciously expressed; here, those thoughts are not only stated, but stated strongly. A puppet is an extension of the personality, but has greater freedom to express this personality. It can go where the person is afraid to go; it can speak with mistakes without worry. It can fly. It can sing” (PUPPETRY IN EDUCATION AND THERAPY – MATTHEW BERNIER AND JUDITH O’HARE, PAGE 8)

The final outcome of the workshops is 15-20 puppet shows whose stories have been written, puppets made and played by the children themselves. The project started in 2020 and will continue for 3 years, when finally a puppet show festival will be conducted. These workshops will be conducted with students, agricultural workers, children of camps and children of the street and other youth living in difficult circumstances in the four targeted areas.


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